Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day Two: Items, Items, Items...

I found a group of Jammers playing Return of The Phantoms hard, so I joined in. We completed these actually pretty fast!
We ended with a fairly good payout, considering we had no Arctic Wolves.
The first item was one of my favorites back in the day- icy blue Mech Wings. I remember having this on my seal when they were released. The Icy Blue glitch color was also new back then. Everyone wanted them! There was a period in time where mech wings were like the current "den betas"
The next round was a [RARE] Star Cape, which is both A) Good for the challenge and B) Matched with my Koala.

The next few games weren't quite as good. The Shark Fin was definitely the best item.
I thought pink purses had the [RARE] tag, though? Odd...
I forgot to do an inventory update yesterday, so this is what it looks like now:
Eleven items- not half bad. 

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